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The automotive M2M market on the rise

28.02.2012 - 16:30 | 583913

PresseMitteilung von Orga Systems GmbH

1.4 billion connections by end of 2020

(PresseBox) - Paderborn (Germany), 28 February 2012: According to leading analysts, the telematics sector represents one of the greatest business opportunities for Machine-to-Machine (M2M). From less than 90 million connections globally in 2010 the automotive M2M market will grow to almost 1.4 billion connections by the end of 2020; expecting that the sector will generate ?157 billion revenue in 2020. Amongst others, one of the biggest revenue generating segments will be tracking in the area of logistics as the logistical market for cloud-based multi-provider service platforms is boosting. These online platforms enable logistic companies to combine IT-based services according to their needs as well as using them remotely via internet. Orga Systems focuses exactly on that domain of vehicle and transportation telematics, supporting service providers in designing flexible and high value-added services as well as innovative solutions.
Monitoring events at all time
Orga Systems? solution makes use of an on-board unit which manages not only the wireless communication to a Service Center but also GPS-supported navigation as well as the monitoring of cargo with the help of a "Cargo Bay Unit". Depending on the type of cargo, various sensors can be utilized monitor temperature, vibration, pressure, position or other factors. The unique feature of this solution is the flexibility, which enables the customer to change the tariff model at any time to match the requirements according to the cargo and retrieving the current status online and as often as necessary. Depending on cargo type, route and customer, Orga Systems? solution allows a logistics provider to choose different combinations of vehicle tracking as well as adjusting the frequency of monitoring events.
IT-based services for the logistic industry?s needs
In order to be successful, service platforms need to offer flexible subscriptions and innovative charging mechanisms to their customers. With a strong focus on reusing existing mobile communication & infrastructure technologies, Orga Systems? ensures management, charging and monetization of customizable value-added services in transportation telematics for all services. Its expertise and experience for almost two decades in leading policy management, real-time rating, charging and billing enables logistic companies to combine IT-based services according to their needs as well as using them remotely via internet. The solution is supported by OPSC Gold convergent billing technology which can be merged into a M2M service platform, being able to seamlessly integrate with existing technology.

Learn more about Orga Systems and meet us at the MWC 2012 from February 27th ? 01st March in Barcelona at Hall 8 Booth 70, main aisle.

Orga Systems ? #1 choice for real-time charging and billing.
Orga Systems? convergent real-time charging and billing portfolio enables profitable business for Telecommunication Companies, Mobile Finance Institutions, Energy and Telematic Suppliers.
Orga Systems? products and consulting services are designed for living in a connected world: scalable architecture, outstanding performance, lowest rating latency and consequent customer-centricity ensure reliable access to any kind of next generation mobile services.
Worldwide 40+ customers, serving 400+ M subscribers, rely on Orga Systems and achieve competitive advantages in their industry: reduced OPEX, real time-to-market, short-termed ROI as well as beneficial access to new value chains and revenue streams.
Please visit http://orga-systems.com for further information.
Orga Systems GmbH
Am Hoppenhof 33
33104 Paderborn
Yasmin Yaqub
Marketing Manager PR & Press

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Orga Systems ? #1 choice for real-time charging and billing.
Orga Systems? convergent real-time charging and billing portfolio enables profitable business for Telecommunication Companies, Mobile Finance Institutions, Energy and Telematic Suppliers.
Orga Systems? products and consulting services are designed for living in a connected world: scalable architecture, outstanding performance, lowest rating latency and consequent customer-centricity ensure reliable access to any kind of next generation mobile services.
Worldwide 40+ customers, serving 400+ M subscribers, rely on Orga Systems and achieve competitive advantages in their industry: reduced OPEX, real time-to-market, short-termed ROI as well as beneficial access to new value chains and revenue streams.
Please visit http://orga-systems.com for further information.
Orga Systems GmbH
Am Hoppenhof 33
33104 Paderborn
Yasmin Yaqub
Marketing Manager PR & Press


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Firma: Orga Systems GmbH

Stadt: Paderborn

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