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VictoriaCars is now present on Facebook and on Twitter to increase its potential of Car Hire Alicante Airport, Madrid...

11.01.2010 - 18:21 | 151093

PresseMitteilung von VictoriaCars

VictoriaCars unites itself with Web 2.0 with the objective of amplifying their channels of communication with existing and potential clientele.

(firmenpresse) - The Car Hire Company VictoriaCars has united with the latest internet craze, the social networks.

According to Wikipedia: A social network is a social structure made of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes," which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.

Within the most successful social networks in Europe, Facebook and Twitter are the highlights.

In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard University had the idea of creating a community on the internet where students could share their likes, thoughts, concerns, etc. Bit by bit and through the success within the educational environment he decided to open the network to all internet users, ending up with over 300 million signed up users to this date.

In 2006, Twitter was born as a project investigation for Obvious, LLC. Twitter is a free service for "microblogin," meaning, it is a place on the internet where users who are signed up can send small entries in a text format, called "Tweets." These entries are shown on the profile page of the user and are also immediately sent to other users who have chosen to receive them.

In short, both these tools constitute as new means of communication that allow a closer and more realistic relationship with the customers.

What is VictoriaCars doing on Facebook?

VictoriaCars has created on Facebook what is known as a Company Page. To make this type of page involves no more than the creation of a Facebook profile focussed on the company. On this page, which is openly accessible, they can publicize their latest news and offers involving car hire Alicante Airport, Madrid, etc.

A Company Page gives users who visit it the possibility to make themselves a fan of the page. In this way, any update that occurs on the VictoriaCars page will automatically be replicated on their fan''s profile pages, keeping them updated in real-time. Also, as a general rule, the fans are open to certain advantages, available exclusively to them, like some of the current discounts in car hire Madrid, Murcia, Alicante Airport...

For more information please visit http://www.facebook.com/VictoriaRentaCar

What is VictoriaCars doing in Twitter?

VictoriaCars also created a profile on Twitter as a means of keeping customers up to date in real-time by using the mini-messages or microblogins. The same occurs here as it does on Facebook, using this tool they intend to promote any news, promotions or special offers related to their Car Hire services.

For more information please visit http://twitter.com/rentacarbarato

In both cases, the aim is not only to inform the fans and followers but also, over time, to establish a bidirectional communication with them. This is one of the principles of the Web 2.0, the active participation of all parties with the objective of reaching a common gain as well as a personal gain at the same time.
Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Communications Manager
E-mail: webmaster(at)victoriacars.com

Generalitat Valenciana 1, 03710, Calpe, Spain
Tel: 965 830 254
Website: http://www.victoriacars.com
PresseKontakt / Agentur:



Firma: VictoriaCars

Ansprechpartner: Teresa Martinez
Stadt: Calpe
Telefon: 0034-965830254

Keywords (optional):
social-network, social-networks, facebook, twitter, web-20, fan, follower, hire, cars, car, barcelona, madrid, alicante, airport,

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