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What are the Most Beautiful Destinations of Griechenland Yacht Charter?

02.12.2013 - 07:35 | 991220

PresseMitteilung von Griechenland Yacht charter

Are you planning a holiday in Greece and are thinking about chartering a yacht to explore this gorgeous nation?

(firmenpresse) - Are you planning a holiday in Greece and are thinking about chartering a yacht to explore this gorgeous nation? If yes, then you are thinking just the right thing as chartering a yacht is the best and the most beautiful way to explore Greece. The Greek Islands are the most beautiful destinations in the world and is a must sailing destination for all those who enjoy sailing.

How to choose Griechenland Yacht Charter Destinations?

When it comes to choosing a tour, talk to an expert for a full range of options and to make sure you''re getting an itinerary to suit you. The sea touches Greece from all sides. And one of the finest ways to explore this exquisite nation is by a sailboat or a yacht. Griechenland Yacht Charter is a unique experience; it is unlike any other chartering experiences.

What is the best part of sailing the Saronic Gulf?

The Saronic Gulf islands are the closest to Athens. The crystal blue water, the tranquil atmosphere and the extended history are the most distinctive characteristics of Saronic Greecehere are four main islands - Poros is excellent for sailing, Hydra has remarkable ancient and modern architecture, Spetses stands out for the elegant mansions and Aegina is ideal for family vacation.

What''s special about the Ionian Islands?

There are seven major islands: Corfu, Paxos, Lefkas, Ithaca, Kefalonia, Zakynthos, and Cerigo. The islands are well known for their crystal clear waters, sandy beaches, scenic country thick green vegetation and charming untouched villages. In temperate climates, and clear deep coral waters Ionian Islands the ideal place for a Griechenland Yacht Charter.

Why is Crete a sailing heaven?

Crete Island is the largest Greek island, situated in the southern side of the Aegean Sea it is one of the most popular tourist destinations of the country. You can with Griechenland Yacht Charter Explore all of the ports of Crete and all of the traditions and history that come with it.

Why one should not miss out the Sporades?

The Sporades Islands lie on the east coast of central Greece. Gorgeous white sandy beaches, pristine anchorages, ancient ruins and abundant sea life offer you an excellent holiday option. The weather in the Sporades is serene throughout the year. The most popular islands here are-Skiathos, Skopelos, Skyros and the Alonissos.

Why sail The Dodecanese?

The Dodecanese means '' the Twelve Islands'' in Greek lies in the east of the Cyclades off the coast of Turkey. All the islands are uncounted and have beautiful beaches and bays that one should not miss. Several of the islands with abundant natural springs, notably Kos and Rhodes, are relatively green and wooded.

Why charter yacht for The Cyclades?

If you have seen pictures of perfect Greek islands with white houses on sun-drenched hillsides, it’s likely it''s a picture of one of the Cyclades islands. These unique islands are famed worldwide for their rough, rocky and elemental landscape, the whitewashed houses with windmills, brilliant clear blue seas and also for the enjoyable nightlife in some of them.
Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

68, Stratigou Timayia
Courtoffice 501
6051 Larnaca / Cyprus
Ph: (49)08954998680
Fax: (49)089878066599
E-id: info(at)poseidon-yacht-charter.com


PresseKontakt / Agentur:



Firma: Griechenland Yacht charter

Ansprechpartner: Griechenland Yacht charter
Stadt: Cyprus
Telefon: 08954998680

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