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Why Griechenland Yachtcharter?

30.11.2013 - 13:34 | 990954

PresseMitteilung von Griechenland Yachtcharter

Do you want to see Greece an incredibly beautiful country with GriechenlandYachtcharter? You must do the same if you enjoy crystal clear waters, calm bays and breathtaking views of pristine islands from the comfort of the deck of your own yacht.

(firmenpresse) - Do you want to see Greece an incredibly beautiful country with GriechenlandYachtcharter? You must do the same if you enjoy crystal clear waters, calm bays and breathtaking views of pristine islands from the comfort of the deck of your own yacht.

Why is Griechenland Yachtcharter so popular?s

In recent decade’s yacht chartering in Greece has gained massive popularity with only the people of Greece but holidaymakers from all over the globe. The main reason behind it is that Greek Islands are one of the most wonderful sailing destinations and also the services of Griechenland Yachtcharter are very high class and also suits every budget. The Greece yachting companies have packages to suit everyone’s needs and budget and never be doubtful about the service as the service is always very high quality.

Why is it best to explore the Greek Islands in a yacht?

Greece is enclosed by three different seas on three sides, thus providing idyllic conditions for yachting. Tourists from all over the world come all year round to enjoy the luxuries of yacht charter in Greece. By the day you can sail and enjoy the sea and the beauty of many pristine and exquisite islands and by the night, when the yacht anchors in some town or port you can enjoy the manifold and splendid nightlife of Greece or just chill and relish the sumptuous Greek food.

What is the best about the Greek Islands?

It is almost impossible to sail the whole of Greek Islands as there are almost 6000 islands and only 227 of these islands are inhabited. It has a long and a stunning coastline with numerous sailing destinations. The Greek Archipelago is 7500 km vast, and offers an exceedingly diversified landscape, golden long sandy beaches with sand dunes, sheltered calm bays and coves, picturesque whitewashed villages and coastal caves. While in Griechenland Yachtcharter you can enjoy swimming in bays, snorkelling, scuba diving, water skiing and windsurfing. There are 5 main sailing areas to choose when you are in a yacht chartering holiday in Greece- Cyclades (often windy), Dodecanese and Sporades area (lovely with moderate winds) Ionian Area (calm, green and peaceful), Saronic and Argolic gulf and Crete ( the largest island in Greece).

What is the best time to visit?

Summer in Greece is fantastic; winters are rainy and a little cold. The most common and crowded time to charter a yacht is June through September, though May and October are also gorgeous and pleasant and much less crowded.

Why Griechenland Yachtcharter?

When scheduling a holiday in Europe, one must visit Greece the favoured tourist destination in the whole world. And the best thing about Greece is Griechenland Yachtcharter. It provides you with the flavour of the real Greece and you get a different and vivid view of the nation while sailing. The appeal of sailing within these islands can never end, once a sailor comes here , the pull of exploring this magical land will make the person return to explore one of the island groups year after year and discover the Greek sailing areas.
Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

68, Stratigou Timayia
Courtoffice 501
6051 Larnaca / Cyprus
Ph: (49)08954998680
Fax: (49)089878066599
E-id: info(at)cosmos-yachting.de


PresseKontakt / Agentur:



Firma: Griechenland Yachtcharter

Stadt: Cyprus

Keywords (optional):
yachtcharter-griechenland, yachtcharter-griechenland-charter, griechenland-yachtcharter, segelyachten,

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