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Customized service for vessel navigation and communications systems for flat-rate price

08.08.2013 - 17:53 | 923891

PresseMitteilung von INTERSCHALT maritime systems AG

Saving time and money with INTERSCHALT Shore-based Maintenance (IS-SBM)

(PresseBox) - The shipping software and service provider, INTERSCHALT maritime systems AG, has developed a highly customer-focused concept for the maintenance of navigation and communications systems on board, called INTERSCHALT Shore-based Maintenance (IS-SBM). For an annual flat-rate fee, the maintenance concept, which is individually tailored to each customer, is a complete service package which includes coordination, annual performance tests, replacement parts, labor time and travel costs. It simplifies and reduces administrative tasks for shipping companies and provides budget security. Detailed reporting of accrued costs for services and materials for each ship ensures transparency. Over the last three years, INTERSCHALT has successfully positioned the smart service concept in the marketplace and is now expanding the range of services due to increasing demand.
Customized service concept
Shore-based Maintenance (SBM), in INTERSCHALT terms, is a tiered, customized service plan, ranging from annual performance tests to full service contracts. It covers much more than the original definition provided by the IMO and SOLAS, in which maintenance referred only to the annual checking of GMDSS systems. The INTERSCHALT SBM package, however, covers all of the customer''s specific requirements: "Our service staff analyze the ship''s equipment lists or, if requested, conduct a thorough inspection on board in which maintenance statuses and any defects are ascertained", says INTERSCHALT CEO Robert Gärtner on the customized service concept. "We concentrate on the communications and navigation systems and undertake full service management of maintenance, repair work and the procurement of parts as well as functional tests, for example the Annual Performance Test (APT) of the Voyage Data Recorder". The customer is also given their own contact person within IS Service Coordination. 40 employees in IS Service Coordination, who are always reachable in accordance with the 24/7 principle, coordinate the service orders which are registered by a ticket and database system.

Strong demand for Shore-based Maintenance
The center currently receives approx. 4,100 service calls per annum. From there, the deployment of the company''s own service staff and certified partners (in total over 400 service technicians) is coordinated and documented. A proven "First Time Fix" rate of over 98% is evidence of the high service quality. Continuous work ensures that ships retain their value and qualified recommendations for preventive measures (retrofit) also lead to cost reductions. Central coordination also ensures that surveys are carried out on schedule. The fact that the measures are bundled together means that maintenance costs are reduced, ships retain their value and costly off-hire times are avoided.
Extensive reporting covers all costs for service and materials for each ship every year. Based on this data, the shipping company can ascertain a ship''s status within the fleet and draw cost comparisons between sister ships and ship series. Transparent and calculable costs lead to budget security. Shipping companies'' administrative procedures are simplified and reduced.
Global, manufacturer-independent service provider at a global fixed price
INTERSCHALT maritime systems AG is a global, manufacturer-independent service provider in the field of navigation and communications and maintains all current systems.
A particularly unique offer that it provides is a fixed price for all service customers, even if they have not signed an INTERSCHALT Shore-based Maintenance contract. There is one standard hourly rate round the clock, no matter where or when the service is provided by IS technicians (no surcharges for work performed at night, on Sundays or holidays). The same applies for the APT of the VDR G4 developed and manufactured 100% in Germany by INTERSCHALT, which is offered at a standard, fixed price, including certificate, all around the world.
For INTERSCHALT SBM customers, travel costs are governed by the specific contract in place. Over 100 harbors are already defined as "Major Ports", which means that INTERSCHALT provides a local service and so there are no or only minimal travel costs. In the event that customers'' routes deviate from them, it is possible to designate new Major Ports and therefore reduce costs.
Software solutions for safety and efficiency
In addition to the Shore-based-Maintenance service, as a software and VDR manufacturer INTERSCHALT also provides future-oriented systems for vessel monitoring and fleet management to increase safety and energy efficiency. As a result, shipping companies can now monitor their fleets in new ways and analyze real-time data. By using and connecting to INTERSCHALT solutions, shipowners also ensure that their ships retain their value and that they increase safety and energy efficiency, which is an important criterion for charterers.
Picture1: Robert Gärtner, CEO of INTERSCHALT AG: "Our Shore-based Maintenance is a new, customized service concept. It relieves shipping companies'' technical inspectors of some of their duties and ensures time and cost reductions. And, above all, it prevents off-hire times."
Download link: http://pr-x.de/fileadmin/download/pictures/Interschalt/Interschalt_Foto_CEO_Robert_Gaertner.jpg
Picture2: In Schenefeld, a team of 40 coordinates service calls and the deployment of 400 service technicians worldwide.
Downloadlink: http://pr-x.de/fileadmin/download/pictures/Interschalt/Interschalt_Servicekoordination.jpg
Picture3: Three time zones availability: With its customized worldwide Shore-based Maintenance concept, INTERSCHALT offers a follow-the-sun-concept.
Download link: http://pr-x.de/fileadmin/download/pictures/Interschalt/Interschalt_three_time_zone_availability.jpg
INTERSCHALT maritime systems AG - the premium partner for the shipping industry
INTERSCHALT maritime systems AG''s products and services span the entire life cycle of a ship and its value chain. The value chain includes highly efficient software and satellite communications solutions, automation systems, electrical equipment and service, support, education and training, making INTERSCHALT an all-round product and service provider for the entire shipping industry. The company''s product portfolio aims to make ship operations safer, and work on board - as well as on land - easier and more efficient.
In addition to the headquarters in Schenefeld near Hamburg, eleven centers in Europe, North America and Asia provide a global and efficient service network, supported by partner expertise directly on site. More than 300 employees at INTERSCHALT generate approx. 60 million euros'' worth of business per annum. www.interschalt.de
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maritime systems AG
Cornelia Thelen
Osterbrooksweg 42
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Telephone: +49 (0)40 83033-256
Fax: +49 (0)40 83033-107
Agentur für Public Relations GmbH
Ralf M. Haassengier
Kalkhofstrasse 5
70567 Stuttgart, Germany
Telephone: + 49 (0)711 71899-03/04
Fax: +49 (0)711 71899-05

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Firma: INTERSCHALT maritime systems AG

Stadt: Schenefeld

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