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MSXI ernennt Nick Reilly zum Chairman von Asien/Pazifik

19.04.2012 - 16:01 | 620413

PresseMitteilung von MSX International

(ots) - MSX International
(MSXI) announced today that D. Nick Reilly has joined the company as
Chairman, Asia Pacific, effective immediately. Fred Minturn,
President and CEO of MSXI made the announcement saying, "Nick''s
global expertise, business acumen, and passion for the industry are
invaluable as we drive to accelerate growth in this important

Reilly brings more than 35 years of experience working in the global
automotive industry with General Motors. Most recently, he served as
President of GM Europe. His career with the automaker included senior
leadership positions in Asia, Europe and Latin America. He was also
the first President and CEO of GM Daewoo Auto and Technology in Korea
when it was founded in 2002 and moved on to spearhead GM''s growth in
Asia Pacific and Latin America.

"The Asia Pacific region is a market with tremendous opportunity for
us and Nick will be pivotal as we expand our presence there," said

Headquartered in Warren, Michigan, MSX International is the leading
global supplier of outsourced services primarily to the world''s
automotive industry. With decades of experience and more than 4,500
experts in 48 countries, the company is a valued partner for the
recruitment, administration and supply of contract talent and for
increasing the efficiency and profitability of automotive dealer
networks worldwide. For more information, please visit www.msxi.com

Web site: http://www.msxi.com/

ANSPECHPARTNER: Amy Hellebuyck, +1-248-258-2333,

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:


PresseKontakt / Agentur:



Firma: MSX International

Stadt: Warren, Michigan

Keywords (optional):
auto, personalien, transport,

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