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Sophisticated customised solutions clearly explained

13.02.2025 - 11:47 | 2152176

PresseMitteilung von MUNK GmbH

Halle: 3 / Stand-Nr.: 3C15

(PresseBox) - Halle: 3 / Stand-Nr.: 3C15

Increase work safety and create access with customised access solutions. Planners and users can now find out how this works in a wide variety of scenarios in a particularly individual and clear way in the new with large renderings, the catalogue shows what ?made-to-measure access technology? really means. It includes the full range of access solutions. These range from work platforms, working platforms and walkway systems to platforms, special scaffolding and fixed ladders through to bridging steps group.com for browsing directly in the web browser and also for downloading. The print catalogue can be requested free of charge by e-mail at vertrieb(at)munk-group.comoder by calling 08221/3616-01. For immediate personal advice, customers can also contact the Munk experts via chat on the website.

New catalogue

Whether for production or maintenance and repair - whether for commercial and rail vehicles, aeroplanes, industrial plants or buildings: the demands on productivity and safety are constantly increasing in all sectors. However, sometimes even the extensive range of standard products from Munk Gndividual, no safety standard too demanding,? says Ferdinand Munk, owner and Managing Director of the Munk Group. For particularly easy navigation, the new catalogue is arranged according to the different designs.

Many options in the modular system

Customers of Munk G step coverings, railings and fall protection systems as well as trolleys, height adjustments, contour adaptations and extensive accessories.

Product configurators

Whether bridging steps, stairs and mobile platform stairs, fixed ladders or, more recently, roof bridging: Munk Gare characterised by their simple and intuitive operation. The desired dimensions, versions and accessories are entered step by step. The result is dynamically displayed in real time via a rotatable 3D model and dimensional drawing and, once saved, an offer and drawing are immediately sent by e-mail.

The services are available at www.munk-group.com/konfigurator. Munk G

Tailor-made and moderate

With ?customised access equipment?, Munk has been providing unparalleled work safety for a long time. For Ferdinand Munk, ?customised access equipment? also means being moderate with budgets. ?We can often adapt one of our more than 2,500 products from the standard range so that it fits perfectly for a project. This saves us work and our customers money,? explains Munk.

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Firma: MUNK GmbH

Ansprechpartner: Bettina Sauter
Stadt: Günzburg
Telefon: +49 (8221) 3616-48

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