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RECIPROCITY Project Concludes, Paving the Way for Innovation in European Smart and Green Mobility

12.10.2023 - 15:44 | 2067441

PresseMitteilung von R-Tech GmbH

Press release, 12 October 2023

After 2,5 years of dedicated work and collaboration, the RECIPROCITY project -Replication of innovative concepts for peri-urban, rural or inner-city mobility- proudly announces the successful completion of its aim at transforming European cities into climate-resilient and connected, multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility.

(firmenpresse) - RECIPROCITY, with its innovative four-stage replication approach -IDENTIFY, LEARN, ACCELERATE and SHARE-, has not only met but exceeded its goal of accelerating the replication of existing innovative mobility solutions for rural, peri-urban, and inner-city areas. By equipping over 20 cities and municipalities of varying sizes and mobility demands across Europe with essential tools, knowledge, contacts, and methods this achievement has been made.

Highlights of RECIPROCITY s achievements:
RECIPROCITY project successfully established a thriving community with the active engagement of over 350 stakeholders, including cities, regional representatives, mobility providers, academia, and clusters in its activities. Overall, more than 60 cities and regions from 18 countries were making use of RECIPROCITY support.

[IDENTIFY] In the beginning of the project a total of 65 interviews were conducted with cities to gain valuable insights into their mobility-related challenges, opportunities, and needs. Starting from here, over 70 use cases in Europe have been identified and thoroughly documented, offering crucial insights for the development of a comprehensive replication manual. This manual serves as a guide to support stakeholders in effectively implementing solutions within the RECIPROCITY framework and has special worth for cities that have not yet been exposed to European support schemes.

[LEARN] Throughout the project in total over 700 stakeholders have been in contact with RECIPROCITY through their participation in on-site events, including the Mobility Assembly and Missions held in cities such as Paris, Helsinki, Brussels, Linz, Istanbul, and Regensburg. A total of 41 training sessions were delivered, covering a wide range of mobility topics, benefiting over 1,100 participants and enhancing their knowledge in this vital area.

[ACCELERATE] To support in business, legal and finance queries the project generated 10 generic business model patterns through a combination of extensive literature review and practical insights gained from various training sessions. Additionally, various funding opportunities to support sustainable mobility initiatives have been mapped, and matchmaking services have been established.

[SHARE] For knowledge sharing RECIPROCITY implemented the Knowledge Center on its website including training materials, a funding and legal helpdesk and several other publications. For example, three influential position papers, offering valuable recommendations on regulations related to Drones, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and Hydrogen have been published as well as five scientific papers, primarily focusing on the topic of micromobility, contributing to the body of knowledge in this field. To further spread the results, and foster collaboration, RECIPROCITY maintained close cooperation with more than 15 EU projects and initiatives.

The culmination of these efforts is the ARRIVAL platform, the European Portal for Innovative Transports and Clean Mobility Solutions. This platform serves as both a knowledge hub, housing outcomes not only from RECIPROCITY but also from other projects, and a dynamic matchmaking tool to connect the right partners for research and development or the implementation of existing solutions.

RECIPROCITY s successful conclusion marks a significant step forward in the transformation of European cities into resilient, connected, and sustainable mobility hubs. The project partners will remain committed to continuing our mission to shape the future of mobility in Europe, one innovative concept at a time.

For more information about RECIPROCITY, please visit www.reciprocity-project.eu.

To stay tuned on other collaborating projects on mobility & transport click here.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Die R-Tech GmbH ist ein Unternehmen der Stadt Regensburg, das das Innovations-und Gründerzentrum TechBase betreibt, die Digitale Gründerinitiative Oberpfalz (DGO) und das Cluster Mobility & Logistics managt und vielfältige Angebote zur Vernetzung von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft bietet.


PresseKontakt / Agentur:



Firma: R-Tech GmbH

Ansprechpartner: Tanja Braun
Stadt: Regensburg
Telefon: 094160488913

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