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JDA Software stellt erweiterte, integrierte Produkt-Roadmap vor

14.04.2010 - 11:59 | 188985

PresseMitteilung von JDA Software

(firmenpresse) - München - 14. April 2010 - JDA Software Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: JDAS), die Supply Chain Company®, stellt seine neueste Produkt-Roadmap vor. Die umfassenden Supply Chain Lösungen ermöglichen eine kundenorientierte Wertschöpfungskette mit erhöhter Transparenz und Produktivität, mit der Unternehmen schnell auf neue Marktgegebenheiten reagieren können. Die Produkt-Roadmap bietet ein umfassendes Angebot an Supply Chain Lösungen für Unternehmen, das die gesamte Lieferkette vom Rohmaterial bis zum Verbraucher abdeckt. Dabei stützt sich das Lösungs-Portfolio auf die marktführenden Fertigungs-, Lieferketten-, Merchandising- und Transport-Lösungen von JDA Software und dem im Januar übernommenen Supply Chain Spezialisten i2 Technologies.


Pressemitteilung im englischen Originaltext:

JDA Software Announces Expanded, Integrated Product Roadmap

Roadmap Outlines the Most Comprehensive Supply Chain Solutions Offering for Companies Spanning the Supply Chain from Raw Materials to the Consumer

With a focus on enabling the customer-driven value chain, allowing companies to rapidly respond to market realities and delivering improved visibility and productivity to users, JDA® Software Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: JDAS), The Supply Chain Company®, today announced the release of its latest product roadmap.

Since its acquisition of i2 Technologies, Inc., on January 28, 2010, JDA has been focused on bringing together the two companies" market-leading manufacturing, supply chain, merchandising and transportation solutions. The result is a product roadmap that supports the integration and ongoing innovation of those solutions to provide customers with the most comprehensive, integrated solutions offering that spans the entire supply chain, from raw materials to the end consumer.

"We are proud today to announce a product roadmap that demonstrates the breadth, depth and
future direction of our powerful suite of supply chain planning, optimization and execution solutions," said JDA President and Chief Executive Officer Hamish Brewer. "Our focus throughout the process was to put the customer first by providing a solutions offering that is easy to implement, maintain and upgrade, delivers innovation with a rapid return on investment and has a powerful impact on their bottom line."

The convergence of two of the industry"s leading solutions offerings will not come at the expense of its customers. JDA intends to continue supporting all products and will offer customers the opportunity to move to new solutions on their own timelines - within a normal upgrade cycle, for example.

"JDA"s "roadmap" is less about how the different product sets will be converged, or which products will get a greater share of development dollars, than it is a set of principles and a framework that sets out a sensible approach to achieving products that will make customers happy both now and into the future," said Steve Banker, director, supply chain management, ARC Research.

JDA Product Roadmap Objectives
JDA"s product management group conducted the solution integration process with an approach that went far beyond a replacement strategy. Instead, the group focused on creating superior solutions that are supersets of the combined product functionality. Furthermore, JDA"s product roadmap objectives include:

-Enabling the consumer-driven supply chain to help companies realize one view of demand, use customer insight to drive timely decisions and enable integrated decision making across planning, optimization and execution

-Rapidly responding to market realities by enabling companies to sense and profitably react to real-time conditions, shape demand to match supply and proactively monitor operations with recommended actions

-Improving visibility and productivity through the use of dashboards, workflows and guided analytics, as well as combining master-data management with easy-to-use solutions that increase planner productivity.

The JDA product roadmap focuses on the development, delivery and support of world-class solutions in 22 product areas. These product areas include demand management; sales and operations planning; price and promotion optimization; trade funds management; execution, collaboration and visibility; Web commerce; supplier relationship management; network design; inventory optimization; supply chain master planning; factory planning; scheduling; contract manufacturing; space and category management; enterprise planning; assortment management; allocation; replenishment; transportation management; store systems; merchandise operations; and revenue management.

Rich Heritage of Innovation Supports Integrated Roadmap Development
With the addition of i2 to the JDA family, the company now offers the patented technology, industry knowledge and proven best practices gained by the combined companies" more than 40 years in the supply chain industry. The pioneering ways of JDA and its acquired brands-including i2, Manugistics, Intactix, E3, and Arthur-supported the roadmap process, allowing the company to offer solutions built on an undeniably rich heritage of customer success and value delivery. The solution strategy supports the needs of JDA customers across all geographies and industries, including manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers and services industries companies.

"The knowledge transfer and collaboration that took place throughout this process among professionals from our combined companies was incredible," said Namita Dhallan, JDA"s chief product officer. "Tapping the deep industry and solution expertise of our respective companies has allowed us to create a product roadmap that will offer proven supply chain, merchandising and pricing solutions to meet the toughest business challenges facing our customers today."

Roadmap Details to Be Presented at FOCUS 2010
Roadmaps for all JDA products will be discussed by product managers at FOCUS 2010, JDA"s annual user conference on May 16-19 in Las Vegas, Nev. Discussions will take place in the 38 Special Interest Group meetings scheduled over the three-day event. These sessions will be open to maintenance-paying customers only, and will include a roadmap presentation and an interactive question-and-answer session.

Customers unable to attend FOCUS 2010 may review the integrated roadmaps on JDA"s user portal, JDAUser.com. JDA is also conducting a customer outreach program, originally launched during the company"s acquisition of i2. As such, JDA"s global sales and services teams are contacting customers to discuss JDA"s vision and how it can deliver results that address immediate business needs.

For more information, contact JDA at 1.800.479.7382 (U.S.) or visit www.jda.com for international phone numbers and office locations.


Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Über JDA Software Group, Inc.
JDA® Software Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: JDAS) ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von innovativen Lösungen für Supply Chain Management, Merchandising und Preiskalkulation. JDA unterstützt mehr als 6.000 Unternehmen jeder Größenordnung bei der Optimierung ihrer Rentabilität und ihrer Geschäftsprozesse in den Bereichen Prozess- und Fertigungstechnik, Großhandel, Transportwesen, Einzelhandel und Dienstleistung. Mit einem integrierten Lösungsportfolio, das die gesamte Lieferkette vom Rohstoff bis zum Verbraucher umfasst, nutzt JDA den soliden Hintergrund und den Wissensreichtum von akquirierten Marktführern wie i2 Technologies®, Manugistics®, E3®, Intactix® und Arthur®. Dank der vielseitigen Serviceoptionen von JDA profitieren Kunden von flexiblen Konfigurationen, schneller Time-to-Value, niedrigen Gesamtbetriebskosten und funktionalem sowie technischem Support rund um die Uhr. Weitere Informationen zum Unternehmen erhalten Sie unter www.jda.com oder per E-Mail unter info(at)jda.com.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are made in reliance upon the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are generally accompanied by words such as "can," "will," "ensure," "help," "enable" and "expect" and other words with forward-looking connotations. In this press release, such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, remarks that our solutions may deliver greater speed, agility, quality and cost efficiency to any supply chain resulting in improved service and profits.

The occurrence of future events may involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to: (a) our solutions may not perform exactly as we anticipate; (b) there may be implementation and integration problems associated with our solutions; and (c) other risks detailed from time to time in the "Risk Factors" section of our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Additional information relating to the uncertainty affecting our business is contained in our filings with the SEC. As a result of these and other risks, actual results may differ materially from those predicted. JDA is not under any obligation to (and expressly disclaims any such obligation to) update or alter its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

"JDA" and "i2" are trademarks or registered trademarks of JDA Software Group, Inc. Any trade, product or service name referenced in this document using the name "JDA" or "i2" is a trademark and/or property of JDA Software Group, Inc.


PresseKontakt / Agentur:
Lucy Turpin Communications
Fuchs-Laine Birgit
Prinzregentenstraße 79
+ 49 89 417761-13



Firma: JDA Software

Ansprechpartner: Mette Krogh
Stadt: Malling
Telefon: +4520827825

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