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Arcus Air Group sells cargo division to Chapman Freeborn Airmarketing GmbH

18.06.2020 - 19:11 | 1824508

PresseMitteilung von Arcus-Air-Logistic GmbH

(PresseBox) - Zweibrp from Central and Eastern Europe with 83 branches and production stations offering air traffic services and solutions worldwide.

The Arcus Air Group is a private European airline with affiliated cargo brokerage operations at various European locations, which has been successfully established in the market for more than 45 years, with their own flight operations based in Zweibr

For the industry it has been in service until today in the area of urgent air cargo, especially ad hoc air cargo charter and on board courier services. The logistics division of the company is very strongly oriented towards the automotive industry.

Arcus Air Group will continue to operate two Dornier 228-212 cargo aircraft on behalf of the owner Chapman Freeborn. Alejandro Tapia Haarman is stepping down today from his management activities in the logistics division.

"Arcus Air will in future concentrate on the airline and executive aviation," reports Managing Director Alejandro Tapia Haarmann. To this end, the company had already added another EMBRAER Phenom 100 to its fleet last year, being the largest Phenom 100 fleet in Europe.

The company intends to use the additional and further planned capacities to meet the growing demand for private jet charters in the European market. The company has a total of seven Phenom 100s and can therefore offer the most capacity of this aircraft type in Europe.

"The demand for private jets has increased by about 20% in the Arcus Air Group during the second half of 2019. The outbreak of the pandemic put an abrupt end to this development. However, it is already apparent after the first opening of the borders that this development will continue. Taking in consideration the new environment the safety aspect also plays a major role for people right now and the greatest possible safety is of course given when flying alone or just with family or close friends ", summarises Arcus-Air CEO Alejandro Tapia Haarmann.

The EMBRAER Phenom 100 is designed for four passengers and is known for its luxurious, spacious and design-oriented interior, the best in it`s class. Customers appreciate the fast and flexible customer-oriented processing. "Our passengers need just 5 to 15 minutes from arrival at the terminal to boarding," Haarmann continues.

About Arcus Air Group

The Arcus Air Group is a private European airline, successfully established in the market for more than 45 years, with its flight operations based in Zweibr

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

About Arcus Air GroupThe Arcus Air Group is a private European airline, successfully established in the market for more than 45 years, with its flight operations based in Zweibrücken. With its 24/7/365 service and its own fleet of aircraft, it offers exclusive passenger service in business and private jets.


PresseKontakt / Agentur:



Firma: Arcus-Air-Logistic GmbH

Stadt: Troisdorf

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