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A giant step for Pharmalogistics

07.05.2018 - 11:17 | 1608129

PresseMitteilung von Air Cargo Community Frankfurt e.V.

Fraport Ground Services receives the IATA-certification of the Center of Excellence for Independent Validators in Pharmaceutical Logistics (CEIV Pharma). For Frankfurt’s Air Cargo Community (ACCF), this means another milestone for the handling of pharmaceutical cargo at Frankfurt Airport.

(firmenpresse) - Frankfurt am Main, 7th May 2018 --- Transparency and effective processes are the current challenges for pharma-logistics and require a comprehensive, independently certified quality management system. Being the biggest ramp handling company at Frankfurt Airport, Fraport Ground Services made a giant step by receiving the international CEIV-certificate. Martin Bien, Head of Ground Services at Fraport, received the prestigious certification at the IATA Ground Handling Conference in Doha, Qatar. Joachim von Winning, Executive Director of the ACCF says:
More than fifty stakeholders of the cargo supply chain are organized in the ACCF. As one of five competence teams, pharma set its focus on the integrity of pharma products during transport. The implementation of a quality management system, as required by IATA CEIV, is an important step for further developing the position of Frankfurt Airport as Europe

Ensured quality for the customers

With the CEIV certification, Fraport Ground Services can guarantee a consistent and independently qualified cargo supply chain for producers of pharmaceuticals. This includes the transport through a certified forwarder, the turnaround of goods by a certified cargo handler and the transport by an airline, including the complete temperature controlled apron area transport. Frankfurt is the first airport worldwide, which meets those requirements.

The air cargo professionals hope that an increasing number of international IATA certifications will lead to a more qualified international network. That should make special cargo lanes possible, which can help to make pharma logistics worldwide faster and easier.
For more information please visit: www.fra-fr8.com

David Heisig
60385 Frankfurt
Tel.: 0 69 / 48 98 12 90
E-Mail: david.heisig(at)mainblick.com

About Air Cargo Community Frankfurt e.V.

The Air Cargo Community Frankfurt e.V. is an association of companies, institutions and organizations with the clear objective of promoting the airfreight location of Frankfurt. Its total of around 55 members includes representatives of all areas of the air cargo supply chain. The association has five competence groups & Infrastructure" and "Location Marketing & Community Building", as well as various specialist groups which represent the entire range of services offered at the airfreight location of Frankfurt. The prime objective is that Frankfurt Airport will, also in future, continue to clearly be Europe area, should also continue to grow significantly in the coming years and, in doing so, capture an even larger share of global freight volumes for itself.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:


PresseKontakt / Agentur:



Firma: Air Cargo Community Frankfurt e.V.

Ansprechpartner: David Heisig
Stadt: Frankfurt am Main

Keywords (optional):
airport-frankfurt, fraport, ground-service, fraport-ground-services, advance-transportation, iata, ceiv, certification, accf, air-cargo-community-frankfurt,

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