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Air Cargo Community Frankfurt welcomes new members

04.10.2017 - 16:11 | 1536834

PresseMitteilung von Air Cargo Community Frankfurt e.V.

The community at Frankfurt Airport continues to grow with six new members.

(firmenpresse) - Frankfurt/Main, 04th October 2017 --- On the occasion of their general meeting on 13th September 2017 at the IntercityHotel, the Air Cargo Community Frankfurt warmly welcomed their new members. As of now the freight forwarders a. hartrodt, AF Logistik, Bollor

An additional member has also joined the group of airlines: BDA Logistics Innovation, specialized in time critical transportation of goods from Europe to Ireland and the United Kingdom, strengthens the ranks of the community. Furthermore, the Air Cargo Community welcomes the University RheinMain in Wiesbaden. Besides the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, this institution is the second university to get involved in the community.

The Executive Director of the Air Cargo Community, Joachim von Winning, feels encouraged by the increasing interest:

Together, the members want to shape the transportation processes at Frankfurt Airport. To reach this goal, cross-industry cooperation is needed, stresses the chairman of the executive board of the community, Soeren Stark:
For additional information visit: http://www.fra-fr8.com

You can download the photo for this press release here:

Board of Air Cargo Community Frankfurt e.V. From left to right: Patrik Tschirch (LUG aircargo handling GmbH), Andreas Heil (Kewill GmbH), Anke Giesen (Fraport AG), Joachim von Winning (Air Cargo Community), Goetz Wendenburg (Kuehne + Nagel (AG & Co.) KG), Soeren Stark (Lufthansa Cargo AG), Michael Hoppe (BARIG e.V.)

press contact:
Uwe Berndt
Rossdorfer Str. 19a
60385 Frankfurt
Phone.: +49 69 / 48 98 12 90
Email: uwe.berndt(at)mainblick.com

About Air Cargo Community Frankfurt e.V.
The Air Cargo Community Frankfurt e.V. is an association of companies, institutions and organizations with the clear objective of promoting the airfreight location of Frankfurt. Its total of around 50 members includes representatives of all areas of the air cargo supply chain. The association has five competence groups "Temperature-controlled Transport Perishables " ", "Human Capital" and "Communication & Public Relations", as well as various specialist groups which represent the entire range of services offered at the airfreight location of Frankfurt. The prime objective is that Frankfurt Airport will, also in future, continue to clearly be Europe area, should also continue to grow significantly in the coming years and, in doing so, capture an even larger share of global freight volumes for itself.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:


PresseKontakt / Agentur:



Firma: Air Cargo Community Frankfurt e.V.

Ansprechpartner: Uwe Berndt
Stadt: Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 / 48 98 12 90

Keywords (optional):
air-cargo-community, frankfurt-airport, cargocity-sued, air-cargo,

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