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Heike Clausen re-elected as ITCO President

24.10.2014 - 12:57 | 1126143

PresseMitteilung von Laube-Unternehmenskommunikation

London, UK, 24 October 2014: ITCO, the International Tank Container Organisation, has re-elected Heike Clausen as its President for 2015/2016. Her current presidency runs until the end of 2014, so the next two-year term will last until end-2016. In addition, the Board has elected Jochen Köppen to be the next ITCO Vice President for two years, commencing from 1 January 2015.

(firmenpresse) - In electing Heike Clausen as President, the Board thanked her for the progress that the Organisation has made during the past two years. In particular, it highlighted the work that she has done to provide guidance, support and transparency to ITCO projects. In addition, considerable attention has been paid to strengthening important activities, such as the focus on safety, the international development of the organisation, the publication of technical reports, the high profile at trade shows, a co-ordinated PR campaign and the introduction of Corporate Responsibility into the agenda. With this re-election, the ITCO Board is looking to ensure that this strategy will be continued.

“I’m looking forward to another two years of challenging - but rewarding - work for ITCO and the industry that the organisation represents”, commented Heike Clausen on her appointment. “I thank the board for the positive feedback, support and trust to move forward on the path towards more transparency and guidance - in particular for the overall aim of safety and for the reputation of our industry.”

ITCO is governed by an elected Board of Directors, comprising a President, Vice President as well as a Chair and Deputy Chair of each the five ITCO divisions. The prime task of the president is to represent ITCO internally and externally, drive key initiatives and manage the overall strategy developed by the Board of Directors. The Vice President supports the President in all those activities and serves as deputy.

Both the ITCO President and Vice President are professionals in the tank container industry. Heike Clausen is the managing director of VOTG Tanktainer, based in Hamburg. Jochen Köppen is managing director of Köppen GmbH, a leading tank container service provider, based in Duisburg, Germany.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

About ITCO
Established in 1998, the International Tank Container Organisation represents the international tank container industry to the public and to governmental bodies, with the aim of promoting the industry. With over 150 members worldwide, ITCO''s principle focus is on safety, regulatory, technical and environmental issues.

Patrick Hicks
ITCO - International Tank Container Organisation
Suite 3 - Charter House
26 Claremont Road
Surbiton KT6 4QZ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 8390 0000

PresseKontakt / Agentur:
Patrick Hicks
ITCO - International Tank Container Organisation
Suite 3 - Charter House
26 Claremont Road
Surbiton KT6 4QZ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 8390 0000



Firma: Laube-Unternehmenskommunikation

Ansprechpartner: Tanja Laube
Stadt: Inning am Ammersee
Telefon: 08143 9999044

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