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Motor.lk Comes Up With An Exclusively Online Platform To Buy And Sell Vehicles In Sri Lanka

22.07.2014 - 08:02 | 1087132

PresseMitteilung von Motor.lk

Motor.lk is a website where good types of brand new and used cars are sold. The cars are sold along with the license and they have discounts for regular users.

(firmenpresse) - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Sri Lanka (July 21, 2014) - The news on cares and bikes for sale are all over the internet and people all are aware of the online shopping for automobiles. Registered users are free to do anything in the website. The users, who are unregistered, can only view the vehicles which are put up for sale. Brand new and used vehicles are put up for sale and we can use them in any arena. Unregistered cars are strictly prohibited. Considering this, Motor.lk has presented a virtual market place for dealing with all the vehicle owners and prospective buyers. This website announces an incredible offer of winning a prize of Rs. 5000 worth fuel, simple by posting an ad on this platform.

Major brands and its different vehicles for sale are present on this virtual stage. An executive company says, “People have now have started buying vehicle for different reasons. Our website speaks all about selling the hybrid cars for a good rate.”Only thing a seller has to do is to register with the website and then take care of the given rules and regulations. Even new vehicles can be sold on this platform, apart from the great scope for used vehicles.

This vehicle sale Sri Lanka site can get through any type of vehicles. The main thing that should be considered is its fixed rate. Anyone can sell their four wheelers or two wheelers through this easy to navigate website. Cars, trucks, bikes, bus, van, pick up or vehicle of almost every kind can be sold or bought through this company. The seller should clearly specify the model of the car along with the selling price. The license of the vehicle should also be submitted along with the advertisements which the seller is giving on the website. The model should be at least a latest model.

If the reference number is known by the buyer, then he or she can very well get through the vehicle directly and there is an advanced search option for doing with the reference number. The company, created for the used cars Sri Lanka is mainly taking place in the selling website. The motors and the automobiles are for the presentable atmosphere and the website fully focused on the vehicle selling legally. It takes place in a legal manner. The vehicles can be bough without any hesitation, from this site.

Motor.lk is a website which is for selling any type of cars may it be branded or not branded after proper registration. For more details please visit http://www.motor.lk

011 434 5225

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Firma: Motor.lk

Ansprechpartner: Motor.lk
Stadt: Colombo
Telefon: 011 434 5225

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