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Printronix M4L: small, sturdy and highly productive

17.06.2014 - 10:40 | 1073122

PresseMitteilung von Printronix

(firmenpresse) - Offenbach, 17 June 2014. Printronix, world leading provider of business critical printing solutions for industry and logistics for more than 40 years, expands its product portfolio with the M4L, a small mobile thermal barcode printer. With only 16 x 19 cm and 1.1 kg employees can take the extremely sturdy miniature device along with them to the place of action and print and attach the labels on site. The new efficient offspring of the Printronix family features a long battery life lasting by 30% longer compared to the competition and therewith also increases the productivity and flexibility in the warehouse.

"With the new mobile printer M4L we have developed a product which fully meets the high demands in the industrial environment and also in this area we now offer our usual high-level quality and first-class service," says Mark Edwards, Vice President at Printronix and responsible for worldwide sales and marketing activities. "The M4L is the result of intensive customer surveys, manifold trial runs and analyses. Our customers profit from an easy to handle mobile printer, which increases the productivity and at the same time reduces downtime".

Long runtimes, easy integration and high reliability
Thanks to its long-living batteries the M4L printer ensures long runtimes. With the mobile printer employees have to interrupt their activities less often to run back and forth between printing station and goods. The printer supports the programming languages CPCL and ZPL II, features standard Bluetooth and standard Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n and is easily integrated into existing systems and peripheral devices.

Portable and sturdy label printer
The portable printer weighing only 1.1 kg and measuring only 16 x 19 cm is very sturdy: the printer withstands multiple falls from 1.5 metres height. This helps minimize downtime and corresponding costs.

The M4L prints with up to 4 ips (101 mm/4 inches per second) and a resolution of 203 dpi with 50.8 to 104 mm printing width. Standard as well as custom labels can be printed, which are easy to insert. There are various possibilities to carry the mobile printer.

It can be carried with a highly durable belt clip made of metal, a belt loop with Velcro, in a protection case in accordance with IP-54 or with a shoulder strap.

The new thermal bar code printer can be ordered as of today. Delivery starts end of June 2014. For more information on the product visit www.printronix.com

Bildrechte: Printronix

Bildrechte: PrintronixUnternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Printronix is a leader in business-critical printing solutions, offering the most-trusted selection of ultra-reliable printers, services, supplies and parts for environments demanding top reliability and low printing costs. The company offers the two most-trusted brand names in industrial, back office and supply chain printing, Printronix and TallyGenicom, known throughout manufacturing, distribution, retail, banking, healthcare, government and other enterprises across the globe. The combined brand portfolios include the highest-quality line matrix, thermal and RFID printers, and service management solutions. Printronix was founded in 1974 and is headquartered in Irvine, California.


PresseKontakt / Agentur:
epr-elsaesser public relations
Cornelie Elsässer Frauke Schütz
Schaezlerstraße 38
86152 Augsburg
0821-4508 7910



Firma: Printronix

Ansprechpartner: Dorothea Krampol
Stadt: Offenbach
Telefon: +49 (0) 69 82 97 06 33

Keywords (optional):
printronix, printer, m4l, mobile,

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