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Hämmerling with two stands at "Reifen 2014“

22.04.2014 - 23:04 | 1049623

PresseMitteilung von Jürgen Rönsch / text professionell

For the first time, Hämmerling - The Tyre Company GmbH, a tyre wholesaler with global operations and its own brands ATHOS, MÄXX, TALAS and SÄMM, will be attending the "Reifen 2014" trade fair in Essen (Germany) with two company stands. One focuses on "Hämmerling - The Tyre Company GmbH" and the company's role as a full-range supplier for any brand, size and tyre type (passenger car, truck, motorcycle, off-road, AS and EM tyres). The neighbouring ATHOS stand focuses on the house brands ATHOS truck tyres and TALAS steel-disk truck wheels. The presentation is rounded off with a tyre benchmark test commissioned by HG-Logistic GmbH in which 72 test tyres from a total of five manufacturers were compared. The results of the test were surprising: The winner was ATHOS on account of its first-class cost-benefit ratio. Even compared to much more expensive competitive products it made an excellent showing, also with regard to fuel consumption.

(firmenpresse) - By attending with two stands simultaneously, the Paderborn-based tyre wholesaler demonstrates how important both areas are for the constantly growing enterprise which operates on an international scale. Ralf Hämmerling, managing director of ‘Hämmerling - The Tyre Company GmbH’: "When taking a look at the market and considering our customers'' wishes we can see that we are very successful with both lines of business. Dealers as well as foreign distributors are increasingly seeking a partner who provides a platform that offers the whole range of brands, sizes and profiles from one supplier, including house brands that offer high quality and a first-class cost-benefit ratio." This is why ''Hämmerling - The Tyre Company GmbH'' sees a hugh potential for the future. To open up new markets - also on an international scale - the company will be hiring more staff and extending its business activities abroad over the next few months. "We will be presenting our new strategies at the trade fair in Essen, and also be taking the opportunity to hold talks and look for national and international distributors," says Hämmerling.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

''Hämmerling - The Tyre Company GmbH'' is a constantly growing tyre wholesaler with international operations headquartered in the German town of Paderborn. Alongside its activities as a full-range supplier for any brand, size and tyre type (passenger car, truck, motorcycle, off-road, AS and EM tyres) the portfolio of the company that was founded in 1979 also includes the house brands ATHOS truck tyres and TALAS steel-disk truck wheels as well as remould truck tyres from its own production. All house brands supplied by Hämmerling - The Tyre Company GmbH offer high quality, a long life and German development and technology. The high mileage, an appearance that is comparable to the look of premium brands and a unique cost-benefit ratio are the features of ATHOS truck tyres. That is why many original equipment manufacturers in vehicle construction already use ATHOS truck tyres today. ''Hämmerling - The Tyre Company GmbH'' is part of the Hämmerling Group. This group of companies operates on an international scale in the tyre wholesale and retail, logistics, IT and marketing sectors.

Jürgen Rönsch / text professionell, Harkortstraße 24, D-48163 Münster, Mobile ++49 (0)177/ 591 9682
roensch(at)text-professionell.de, www.text-professionell.de

PresseKontakt / Agentur:
Jürgen Rönsch / text professionell, Harkortstraße 24, D-48163 Münster, Mobile ++49 (0)177/ 591 9682
roensch(at)text-professionell.de, www.text-professionell.de



Firma: Jürgen Rönsch / text professionell


Keywords (optional):
reifen, haemmerling, lkw, stahlraeder, runderneuert, gummi, thalas, saemm, maexx, athos, goodyear, vergleichstest, benzinverbrauch, lkw, busse,

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